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All course times are listed in Pacific Standard Time unless otherwise noted.

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POST Courses

Active Shooter Situations

This course explores the active shooter mentality, tactical considerations and the impact on dispatch operations through the use of current and relevant case studies.


Crisis Communications Skills

Public Safety Call-takers and Dispatchers increasingly deal with callers in crisis and this courses explores communication techniques specific to critical situations. All class times listed are Pacific (California) time.


De-escalation Training for Dispatchers

The primary goals are to increase officer safety and enhance professionalism. All class times listed are Pacific (California) time.

8 hours


8 CPT hours

No dates scheduled

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Dispatcher's Role in Critical Incidents

This course offers a comprehensive exploration into the multifaceted role of public safety dispatchers during critical incidents, presenting a holistic view across natural disasters, criminal activities, and tactical operations. It delves into the dispatcher's pivotal role from both the dispatch center and field operations perspectives.

4 hours


4 CPT hours

Homegrown Violent Extremism

Designed for all members of public safety to have a basic understanding of homegrown violent extremism. All class times listed are Pacific (California) time.

8 hours


8 CPT hours

No dates scheduled

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Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs

Motorcycle gang update

8 hours


8 CPT hours

8 STC hours

No dates scheduled

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Sovereign Citizen Extremists

This course is designed to provide a basic understanding of the sovereign citizen ideology.

4 hours


4 CPT hours

No dates scheduled

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Advanced Training Officer

Teaching Adults: What Every Trainer Should Know

16 hours


16 CPT hours

No dates scheduled

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Dispatcher Wellness

This course is 4 or 8 hours and is designed for Public Safety Dispatchers and reviews the unique stressors associated with 9-1-1 as well as provide tools for managing stress. All class times listed are Pacific (California) time.


4 CPT hours

No dates scheduled

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Stress Management for Supervisors or Managers

This course is designed for public safety dispatch supervisors, managers and directors.

8 hours


4 CPT hours

No dates scheduled

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Stress Management

This 8-hour course considers the emotional aspect of being a 9-1-1 dispatcher.

8 hours


8 CPT hours

No dates scheduled

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Trauma Exposure and Management

This Kim Turner, LLC course explores the emotional toll of being a 9-1-1 dispatcher and provides participants with an understanding of the definition of traumatic stress, as well as the common issues experienced by 9-1-1 professionals who handle multiple traumatic calls.

4 hours


4 CPT hours

No dates scheduled

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Courtroom Testimony

The primary goals of this course are to familiarize 9-1-1 first responders and public safety employees with the courtroom process and the appropriate demeanor for witnesses. All class times listed are Pacific (California) time.

4 hours


4 CPT hours

Interpersonal Skills and Career Survival

Navigate different personality types and conflict in the dispatch communications center. All class times listed are Pacific (California) time.

8 hours


8 CPT hours

Leadership and Accountability

This essential leadership course is designed for emerging and existing leaders and those seeking promotion in public safety agencies. This presentation is exclusively for Records Personnel.

8 hours


8 CPT hours

No dates scheduled

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Leadership Workshop

This 4-day course is tailored for those in public safety organizations leading professional Communications/Dispatch staff.

32 hours


32 CPT hours

Managing Generations

This course explores working with and supervising different generations in a public safety communications center.

8 hours


8 CPT hours

No dates scheduled

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Professional Standards

This course speaks to the significance of professional standards for public safety dispatchers and anchors on concepts of customer service and the mission/vision of our public service agencies.

4 hours


4 CPT hours